Life is all about how you handle Plan B.

Divorce Coaching with Margaret

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Margaret is a professionally trained divorce coach, former family law attorney, and Assistant Professor of Law. She specializes in helping women who are struggling with a difficult spouse so that they can gain clarity, regain control, and make informed decisions about their future.


Ready Whenever You Are . . .

Are  you having difficulties in your current relationship and need help fixing it? Or are you trying to decide whether the time is right to leave the relationship?  Have you already begun the process of separation or divorce? Or are you continuing to have difficulty with your ex post-divorce?  If you are, Margaret can help you meet the challenges that you are facing.

The decisions you make at this time can have a profound impact on your future and your children's future. You may be missing the support that you need to make knowledgeable and informed decisions.  

You may only need limited support. For example, your main concern may be to develop a working co-parenting relationship with your ex and to be able to move forward with integrity and confidence.  On the other hand, your situation and the issues involved may be much more complex.  In this latter situation, the lack of familiarity with the separation and divorce litigation landscape can put you at a disadvantage. In either scenario, with a coach by your side, you will become fully informed and better able to make decisions in your own and your children's best interests.  With the ability to work with clients nationwide, Margaret will be able to serve you and your needs.


Empowering women through the divorce process in the Boulder/Denver area and Nationally


What Is a Divorce Coach?

The Divorce Coach is emerging as the new and necessary professional in the divorce process.  A divorce coach will not only help you navigate your divorce, but will also help you transition into this new stage of your life.

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Getting you where you need to go.


Happy Clients

Margaret will tailor her coaching to your unique situation, making sure that you feel supported as you look to the future.